Saturday, December 10, 2011


For the first time in my life I ran a 10k (sounds way further than 6 miles)
AND I didn't stop once!
I won't post my time may argue that my running pace is close to a brisk walk and that's not really the point. The point is...I did it!

I haven't been training for this. What I have been doing is crossfit. You can check out the workouts on my friend's blog They are short and easy. Short because they average about 15 minutes and easy because I can do them at home. I've been doing the workouts for about 4 months. Occasionally there is running involved but it is mostly strength training. I really love it! I'm addicted! You should try it too. Let me know when you're ready to run your first 10k and I'll join you.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Go check us out here http:// Then book a session with Denae. She's amazing!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Jack and his classmates learned how to and helped make applesauce at school. He has talked nonstop about the project to anyone who will listen including complete strangers trying to enjoy a romantic picnic lunch at the park (they're own fault for choosing a park next to an elementary school).

"Well...did you know I know all about making applesauce?" jack
"I think you may have mentioned it." me
"All's you do is cut up some apples...any color you want. I even used a real kid knife. Then you put them in this cooking pot with...some sugar and a little bit of cinnamon. Then it cooks all by don't even have to stir it or put anything else in it. Then it just has to cook all night and maybe all day. And that's eat it. And it's really good! Should we go buy some apples? It's really good. And I already know how to make it. (and...repeat)"
So we finally bought apples. It was a good day so Jack was allowed to wield a real grownup knife. I'll let you know in the morning how yummy it is.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Chris' latest play, The Grapes of Wrath, opened last Friday at Heritage High School...and it was GOOD! You should come see it.

Wed 9/21 7pm, tickets only $5
Thur 9/22 7pm, tickets only $5

$10 adult, $ students
Thur 9/20 7pm
Fri 9/30 7pm
Sat 10/1 2pm, final matinee

Disclaimer: I would consider this play to be PG13

Sunday, September 11, 2011

There was a little girl (boy) who....

Good thing this boy's so cute! It's probably the only reason I allowed him to continue to live this week. You'd never guess that this sweet boy had to be picked up in the Principal's office for yelling and throwing chairs. I now try to avoid making eye contact with his teacher. Some days I'd rather not have the daily behavioral update.

My saving grace?? The same teacher also taught my girls so she can't think the behavioral problems are all my fault....right?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jack's first Giant's game.
Little did he know that we were setting him up for a lifetime of torture. If you don't follow baseball August was an absolutely horrific month for the Giants. And it's seriously affecting my husbands happy thoughts. Everyone, please send happy thoughts to the Giants. They need a sweep this weekend. And I need a happy husband.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Head out on the Highway

Has anyone else been traveling Hwy 4 lately. It doesn't matter the time of day there's always a back up and with all the new construction it's only become worse. Wish there was a Costco in Brentwood.