Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Last Hurrah

School starts tomorrow! My girls are ready. I'm mostly ready. Many people I've talked to think summer break is too short in our town. I disagree. I think it's the perfect length...enough time to play but not enough time to get bored.
We did manage to squeeze in one more beach trip with these cousins.

Look at Marin's leg! I love how my kids play in the sand without care...until it's time to load up in the van. The secret to ridding their little bodies of sand is baby powder.

1 comment:

Aunt Nancy said...

Thanks for the great pictures. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. I'll bet Jack is hating for the girls to go back to school and leave him home alone. One more year and he gets to join them. Then you'll really be loving the start of school.