Friday, October 15, 2010

Meanest Mom Ever!!!!

I don't think I'm the only mom who's heard this spewing from their child's mouth. If I am don't tell won't help. This comment or others like it (i.e. worst mom ever, i wish i had a different mom...) have never bothered me in the past. But today was different. It hit a nerve...a big one. I try to make life fun for my kids. Apparently I try a little too hard because they don't seem to appreciate my effects lately.

So on the way home from school today, after hearing I'm the meanest mom ever, I knew something had to change! First I called my sister for moral support (everyone should have my sister). Then I put the kids to work. They did chores for 3 hours. They were allowed to practice piano and eat dinner. Then my best idea yet...they each had to make a list,
"30 things Mom does for me".

It was a rough day. I find myself repeating these words from a children's book, Lilly and the purple plastic purse.
"Today was a difficult day. Tomorrow will be better."


Nana Laurie said...

I used to have a framed sign that said I was the meanest mom on the block.
P.S. I love Lily and the Purple Plastic Purse.

Krisi and Adam said...

Sorry you had a bad day. Rebecca has been pretty good at calling me a mean mom lately... Really sucks! I love what you made them do though!

Scott said...

My boys haven't learned how to do the whole "meanest mom ever" thing on purpose yet. But the other day Jeff looked at me and asked, "is the nice mom back?" I survived, but still... I feel your pain. :)

Duke~N~Morghan said...

I'm glad I'll know who to call when this happens to me in the all to near future :) I'm sorry you had to experience that but, when I call you in the future and ask for moral support, you'll know exactly what to say to me :)